IOT platform with demo

It's not easy to find resources that provide an opportunity to get acquainted with the capabilities of IOT platforms in "live" demo access. Most companies offer this service on special requests or give an opportunity to get acquainted with the systems in video demos. In this post are links to the sites of businesses that provide this opportunity.

EZhing platform


EZhing platform allows you:
create and edit your interactive plans/schemes of premises (apartments, houses, greenhouses or even large plants and factories); set up a placement of objects from the IOT sphere (sensors, signaling devices) to the schemes; link the created outlines(plans) to the locations on the geographic map.
Using the platform, you can provide geo-monitoring of objects in real time.

Thingsboard platform


Thingsboard is an open source platform. It has good documentation and examples of use cases.
The platform allows you:
rapidly develop, maintain and scale IoT projects; integrate with other IoT data processing services (AWS IoT, Apache Spark, SigFox, IBM Watson IoT); retranslate devices data into other systems; connect devices through standard protocols IoT - MQTT, CoAP, and HTTP; create dashboards to visualize the data.
The platform has many other useful and original features.

Leverege platform


Leverege platform is designed to quickly build prototypes of IoT systems and efficiently refine solutions to meet the needs of customers.
The platform allows you:
create IoT object simulators; supports various IoT protocols; create and flexibly configure application interfaces; tune up the business logic of applications; provide end users with an opportunity to try solutions and get feedback from them.